Family Owned & Operated for over 25 years
About Hansen Homes of South Florida, LLC
We started our adventure nearly 25 years ago while working out of our living room. Rather quickly, success necessitated more office space and additional staff. For many years, we enjoyed steady growth up until the downturn in the economy, building 3,000 homes in a two-year period and becoming the number two builder in Lee County. At our busiest, we employed 22 field supervisors and another 22 office employees. Nearly 7 of us operate Hansen Homes today. Our goal is to run our business of the most efficient, corporate-like manner possible while still providing the personal service our customers this year. Most of our current staff members have been with us for over 15 years with a combined 100 years of construction experience.
We currently billed 55 to 60 homes annually with 20 to 25 homes under construction at any given time. We strive to provide a solid product at a reasonable price with a variety of options available to our buyers to make their home unique in many ways. We currently build specifically in Cape Coral only, where we have lived and worked since moving here from Long Island, NY in 1989. It is our hope to provide you with the home of your dreams so stop in and see us. Let’s start building your dream home today!
Anne & Paul